About Shaman Alba Maria

The Brazilian Alba Maria is a shaman, a spiritual teacher, psychologist and an author who combines shamanism´s teaching and practice with self-development and self-discovery processes. 18 years ago she founded the eco-community called Terra Mirim in Brazil, near Salvador da Bahia. She lives in Terra Mirim and teaches in daily life, how each and everyone of us can encounter his/her real self - the divine beauty and love, that inhabits us all.
Simplicity, tenderness and love in Alba Maria's heart is that what touches people's hearts, again and again, and inspires the lives of thousands. She shares with others her own internal transformation, and serves all those who are ready to dive into the depths of their inner nature and look at themselves without fear.

You can experience Alba Maria through the way she lives, singing, dancing, laughing and sharing her knowledge in different ways - leading seminars, spiritual journeys, meditations, and sharing circles in different parts of the world.

Alba Maria is dedicated to serve the Highest Will, living her life in love for nature and for the Divine Mother. She lives her daily life very intensively in the community as a "continuous inner awakening in practice", while grateful for the blessing to be here,  in our beloved Mother Earth and grateful for enjoying this experience.